Commodore VIC 20 16 x 8k Game Cartidge
Commodore VIC 20 Game Cartridge including 16 popular 8k games which are selecatable with DIP Switches.
The PCB has a erasurable W27C512 EPROM so can be re-programmed with your own selection of 8k games.
The RAM BLK is also selectable, though most games work off BLK5. The PCB also features a reset switch.
Game |
Switch |
Attack of the Mutant Camels |
0000 |
5 |
Omega Race |
1000 |
5 |
Cosmic Cruncher |
0100 |
5 |
PacMan |
1100 |
5 |
Cave In |
0010 |
5 |
River Rescue |
1010 |
5 |
Gorf |
0110 |
5 |
Sargon II |
1110 |
5 |
VIC Rally X |
0001 |
5 |
Raid on Fort Knox |
1001 |
5 |
Galaxian |
0101 |
5 |
Arcadia |
1101 |
5 |
Super Amok |
0011 |
5 |
Titan |
1011 |
5 |
Menagerie |
0111 |
5 |
Road Race |
1111 |
5 |
Some games might require a paddle or joystick to play. The screen position on selected games can be adjusted using the cursor keys.